
A low-protein recipe for kids and adults with PKU —by Dianne Sullivan

one batch “wheat starch dough
seasoned or plain mashed potatoes
margarine or butter

Prepare “wheat starch dough” recipe. Roll the wheat starch dough quite thin (a pastry board can help if it’s sticking). Cut circles with a round cutter (a drinking glass works well). Three inches across is a nice size.  Put about 1 tsp seasoned or plain mashed potatoes into center of circle.  (For potato seasoning I use garlic, salt, pepper, butter, and coffeemate). Fold dough over to form a half-circle.  Press with fingers to seal (they seal easily).  Fry in margarine or butter over medium heat in frying pan.  Fry until nicely browned, turn, and brown other side.  Serve as is (delicious!), or top with a sauce of your choosing.

Tip: These pierogis freeze well, can be thawed in the microwave, and crisped in the oven.  They are great for the person who loves potatoes, but can only have a small amount of Phe a day.