The New England Consortium of Metabolic Programs is unique in being the only professional organization in New England that brings together those involved in the identification, treatment, and study of inborn errors of metabolism.
Our membership includes over 100 professionals including directors of each of the metabolic centers in New England, physicians and fellows, social workers, nurses, psychologists, nutritionists, genetics counselors, public health professionals, laboratory directors and staff. Several representatives from parent organizations and individuals with metabolic disorders also participate.
2019 Annual Meeting
benefits of membership
Members are involved at a direct level with the latest issues in metabolic research and health care. Members are able to interact within a professional forum that incorporates metabolic centers around New England. Membership also entails inclusion in regional e-mail updates and memos, access to the restricted membership list and an invitation to our annual meeting.
The annual meeting of the New England Consortium of Metabolic Programs by invitation only and is meant to be a working meeting as well as a forum to learn about the latest developments in metabolism research and medical care. Representatives from industries that produce special medical foods and formulas for metabolic disorders attend and exhibit their products. To request an invitation, please contact
2019 Annual Meeting at Tower Hill
To Join
If you are interested in becoming a member of the New England Consortium of Metabolic Programs, please contact us at with your request.
Please include your name, address, email address, phone number, organizational affiliation and a brief description of why you would like to become a member.
Outside of New England Membership
Individuals from outside of the six New England states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont) may join, but as adjunct members. This means that they may attend meetings but only if there is room.
dues and funding
The Consortium does not require annual dues from members.
Industry partners who sponsor or exhibit at our annual meeting provide for the Consortium’s operating expenses. Boston Children’s Hospital provides administrative support and meeting space.