Massachusetts General Hospital
SYNPHENY-3 ID #NCT05764239
The Division of Medical Genetics and Metabolism at Mass General Hospital is participating in a clinical research trial Sponsored by Synlogics, Inc. “A Phase 3, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Randomized Withdrawal Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of SYNB1934 in Patients with PKU (SYNPHENY-3)”. This study will evaluate whether an investigational medication called SYNB1934 can be used to effectively treat PKU. Individuals 18 years of age and older who have phenylketonuria (PKU) and have higher than recommended PHE levels on their current therapy may be eligible to participate. Benefits would include a no-cost health examination and dietary evaluations. This study will last up to 3 and a half years and during this time you would have about 19 study visits. You will be compensated $76 for each visit and your transportation and parking will be reimbursed. For the longer visits the cost of a meal will be covered.
Actively Recruiting
Primary Investigator: Dr. David Sweetser
Study Coordinator: Lauren O’Grady, CGC and Rachel Cope